Bardas Films is presently working in development on Get Back Home, a feature-length contemporary drama about relationships and coming of age. Set in present time, the action takes place mostly in southern New Jersey, with a few days on a freighter at sea, a few days in the Azores, and a few days in Lisbon. By infusing the drama with comedic, suspenseful and mythic elements and integrating an excellent contemporary music score, we anticipate that Get Back Home will have a wide appeal to a broad audience.

We have structured this website for investors, cast and crew to get a feel for the plot, focus and mix-genre nature of the film. We have password protected all of this information. A full script and storyboards are also available to potential investors under nondisclosure.

The photos on the website are from the shooting manual for Get Back Home. With the filmmakers standing in for the actors, these photos capture some of the sets at the New Jersey shore, in Lisbon, and in the Azores. More Photos.

The cover of Riptide, a comic book integral to the film, is designed and illustrated by Warren Kenny, the film's Production Designer.